أهم الأخبار

العلاقات الخارجية

منح الاكاديمية الامريكية للطب النفسى

2015-08-03 00:00:00 منح الاكاديمية الامريكية للطب النفسى


تعلن لجنة العلاقات الخارجية بالنقابة العامة عن  منح الاكاديمية الامريكية للطب النفسى 

American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry

2015 AACAP Award Opportunities — Call for Awards 

Please read this information in its entirety before proceeding to the submission site. It will help you to prepare a complete and accurate submission.

Paramjit T. Joshi MD International Scholar Awards

Funding possibilities allow for AACAP to grant, for the first time, two International Scholar Awards starting in 2015. The award is open to all international physicians: ex. pediatricians, family medicine doctors, adult psychiatrists, child and adolescent psychiatrist, and other physicians who primarily work with children and adolescents providing mental health services.

We are seeking dreamers, who exude originality and show strong potential for future thought leaders and mentors. At the time of application, candidates may not have more than 10 years-experience following graduation from medical school.

This announcement will be shared, for further dissemination and promotion, with other International Associations and Professional Initiatives.

Award Benefits

The award is for the amount of $2,500 towards Annual Meeting registration, lodging, and travel for the AACAP Annual Meeting starting in 2015. In addition to the financial aspect of the award, each recipient will receive a special award plaque at the Young Leaders Awards Ceremony held during AACAP’s Annual Meeting.

The awardees will be supported by voluntary mentors (two for each), during the Annual Meeting. Awardees are expected to attend the Early Career Psychiatrists’ Mentorship Program, the sessions organized by the International Relations Committee (IRC), participate in the Educational Outreach Program, and be present at the International Reception.

Mentors will guide them during the meeting and introduce them to appropriate members and officers of AACAP, for networking and support. 

Eligibility Criteria

The award includes a formal application process, where all interested medical doctors from countries other than the USA, are encouraged to apply. The award will favor physicians from underserved areas, who primarily work with children and adolescents providing mental health services, with good command of the English language (both spoken & written), commitment to a fruitful career in their country of origin, with possibilities of having a local impact after the experience.

Online Application Process

Completed online application 
Include top items from your Curriculum Vitae 
Personal essay (no longer than 500 words) addressing the following questions:  
How you envision your current and future role and contributions to child and adolescent psychiatry in your country? 
How will your attendance to the AACAP Annual Meeting help you reach those goals? 
What would be your personal goals in terms of international collaboration? 
Program Requirements

At the completion of their experience awardees will be required to write and provide an article for AACAP News, highlighting their experience. In addition they will be required to submit a final report to AACAP.


Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm Pacific on August 31, 2015 for consideration

For more information, contact AACAP Staff, Communications Department at communications@aacap.org

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